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Follow The Inner Path – Our Agenda Towards Enlightenment

Author: Marcus Schmieke 马库斯. 施米可

The Second Path 量子天才第二春 

Author: Marcus Schmieke 马库斯. 施米可


Healing with Information Medicine 信息科技的量子疗愈

Authors: Christiane Brand. Robert Noriam Diehl克莉思恬. 布兰德,罗伯.诺利姆.迪赫

With Quantum Physics to Corporate Success (I & II) 量子哲學引領企業成功(I & II)

Authors: Christiane Brand. Robert Noriam Diehl. Carsten Mueller克莉思恬. 布兰德、罗伯.诺利姆.迪赫、卡斯藤.穆勒

International Holistic Healthcare and Information Technology Training

Course Name :
International Holistic Healthcare and Information Technology Training

Price :
1.      25-28 Oct 2022 Certificated Frequency Training (4 days) plus Accessories Set = SGD$ 2500
2.     22-25 Nov TimeWaver Pro Level 4 Family constellation and BIZ consultant Training (4 days) = SGD $1200
3.     25-28 Oct + 22-25 Nov = SGD $ 3700

Description :TimeWaver and U-SUN International Certificated Training (Simultaneous Interpretation from EN to CN)
優善時空波國際證照培訓課程 (即時英譯中文口譯)

We will provide 我們提供:     
·   Certification by TimeWaver Academy 德國課程證書
·       Special database/sets package 主題課程資料庫應用
·       Related Materials 技術專業講義
·       Training Recordings 培訓影音記錄
·       Coaching Support 教練輔導協助

Intensive training in October and November 2022  密集整合訓練:

25-28 Oct 2022 Certificated Frequency Training: 4 days (Simultaneous Interpretation)
Includes certification, Modules of GFT, Accessories set, Video Recording, examination


Training Fee : SGD$ 1200+ GFT Accessories Set SGD$ 1300 = SGD$ 2500

Those who register for this course could attend ONE-time Basic + Advanced Training in Chinese for FREE.

22-25 Nov TimeWaver Pro Level 4 Family  constellation and BIZ consultant 

Training: 4 days (Simultaneous Interpretation)
Includes certification, Special database/sets, Video Recording, examination

Training Fee : 4 days course SGD$1200

Please do remember to fill-up the form for registration completely!

Please click here for more detail. Thank you.

Please do remember to fill-up the form for registration completely!

Please click here for more detail. Thanks