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2024年 提升業務績效 - 量子信息場 (免費講座)

提升業務績效 – 量子信息場 (免費講座)
2024年10月4日 14:30-16:30

2024年 Tapping into the Quantum Information Field for Business Performance (Free Webinar)

Tapping into the Quantum Information Field for Business Performance (Free Webinar)
This two-hour Master Class delves into Burkhard Heim’s 12-dimensional quantum field theory and its roots in wave-particle duality, offering insights into quantum information and technology applications.
It also introduces Marcus Schmieke’s TimeWaver technology, which optimizes energy fields to enhance health, emotional balance, and success. Participants will learn how to integrate TimeWaver into corporate strategies for improved leadership and executive performance. The class includes live demonstrations, allowing participants to experience TimeWaver technology firsthand and explore future business and personal development opportunities. 
English Session: 14:30-16:30, 2024.10.10

2024年 TimeWaver 系統線上培訓課程

報名請洽: U-SUN Asia 優善時空波
  • 2024.2.7 10:00 最新教練輔導模組操作培訓
  • 2024.2.29 14:00 LevelWave 操作功能培訓

頻率科技 - 養生有道
24 節氣保健講台 - 程效良 TONY 老師
2024/01/03 - 06/19 (線上Zoom)

二十四 節氣 — 養生保健系列講座


每堂課一小時 可實體或線上參加!

2024 年 二十四 節氣系列講座 下午 15:00

  • 1月3日 小寒
  • 1月17日 大寒
  • 1月31日 立春
  • 2月19日 雨水
  • 3月4日 驚蟄
  • 3月20日 春分
  • 4月3日 清明
  • 4月17日 穀雨
  • 5月3日 立夏
  • 5月20日 小滿
  • 6月5日 芒種
  • 6月19日 夏至

講師 程效良 Tony
優善時空波 資深教練


DAEMBE's International Course no Holistic Bioenergetic Coaching
2023/11/21-24 @ Taipei 台北

DAEMBE 德國能量醫學與生物能協會

Dr. Folker Meissner

有參加過優善時空波舉辦的國際課程學員們,眾所期盼已久的現場培訓課程終於在2023年再次啟動,優善時空波特邀請國際資深Dr .Folker醫師,親臨台灣培育更多優秀專業人才,針對醫事從業人員、教練諮詢顧問及有興趣的人士皆可報名參加。現場將會有許多最新的實際案例與研究分享,千萬不要錯過這位來自德國頂尖TOP醫師的專業技能培訓課程,優善時空波專業顧問團隊也會同步與各位進行交流論壇!

Folker Meissner 博士醫師25 多年來一直忙碌於自己創業的整體醫學門診中心。他是德國能量醫學與生物能量學院 (DAEMBE) 的創始主席,HOLAR Medicine™ 的開發者,也是能量與信息醫學領域的國際知名講師、演講者、培訓師和作家。

作為一位幫助病患數十年的專家,他的重點不在於疾病治療,而是在於找出和消除疾病和損傷的真正根源。在為期四天的研討會中,他將分享有關如何以簡單-複合性-專業的方法去使用 TimeWaver 系統,並幫助客戶找到這些疾病的根本原因以消除它們的疾病。

DAEMBE於2006年由來自德國不同地區的 12 位具有全面思維的人士成立。發展能量醫學和生物能量學以及在這兩項領域進行培訓和繼續教育的協會。



  • 時間:2023/11/21~24 9:30~17:30 現場四天培訓(中英文同步口譯)
  • 培訓場地:財團法人張榮發基金會國際會議中心
  • 培訓地址:台北市中正區中山南路11 602會議室
  • 費用: NT$42000 完成四天課程與測驗將可得到DAEMBE證書、培訓講義&培訓影片。2023/10/15前報名: NT$37800 優善會員: NT$33600


  • 本講座是 DAEMBE 整體生物能教練國際課程的一部分
  • 證照課程”生物能教練 “第二級,主題為 :”個人諮詢-輔助整體教練以提高整體健康和恢復能力”
  • 目的:使學員能夠深入專業的使用 TW Frequency (TWF) 和 TW Pro (TWP) 作為適當的輔助工具,提高他們的教練和指導能力


第 1 天將專門讓所有學員掌握 TWF 和 TWP 的第 2 和第 3 級技能。將傳授記錄和跟蹤結果的簡單技巧,以及在特定教練環境中同時使用 TWF 和 TWP 的技巧。

第 2 天和第 3 天將幫助學員提高或建立 TWP 第 3 級和第 4 級技能,同時將他們的生物能教練和指導技能提高到第 2 級(因此,我們必須區分這兩種措施: TW 2 至 4 級;生物能教練 2 級)。第 3 天,將加強記錄和跟蹤結果的技術。


第 4 天的設計是以複雜的模式使用TimeWaver Frequency和TimeWaver Pro,以揭開限制性信念的超級隱藏原因及其對行為和個人生活體驗的連續影響。這不僅將提高學員作為教練和導師的能力,還將有利於他們提高業務水準並使其更上一層樓。


為期四天的培訓將分為兩個主要部分,每個部分又分為 90 分鐘的講座和實踐階段,總計 4 x 90 分鐘,即每天 360 分鐘的培訓(8 個培訓單元 45 分鐘)。

  • 從Frequency頻率系統開始,第 1 天同時使用Frequency頻率系統和 TimeWaver Pro系統
  • 第 2 天和第 3 天進行第 3 級和第 4 級專業訓練
  • 第 4 天是第 4 級 Pro 和 LevelWave系統
  • 每天將安排講座和互動實踐階段


  • 今年 2023/11/21~24德國生物能教練證照培訓,有包含現場培訓及線上同步參加,若您無法前往現場參加請在報名表上填寫 ” 線上參加
  • 若尚未接受過基礎培訓的學員請先參加 ”先修班課程” 以利本次學習進度

先修班: 2023/11/2916 14:00~17:00線上課程 (本次培訓學員可免費參加先修班)

  • 課程前一周將會寄送線上課程註冊連結,請報名線上學員留意信件
  • 本課程需自備時空波系統設備  電源延長線插座 (需能滿足連接所有設備裝置的插座數量),請先在家中測試是否能將所有設備連接到所準備的電源延長線插座;


  • 本次培訓包含中英文即時口譯,使用Zoom軟體進行,請需要翻譯服務的學員需先安裝 Zoom 軟體和 自備 個人耳機。
  • 海外學員可參考優善企業合作指定飯店優惠方案,請洽優善時空波
報名表 (<< 請點這)

繳費方式:匯款/信用卡/現場繳費 (繳費完成後請在報名表中備註)

匯款資料:銀行: 台新國際商業銀行(Taishin International Bank )銀行代號 812 中和分行 0207帳號:2020-01-0000682-6

戶名:優善時空波科技股份有限公司 (U-SUN Healthcare Co., Ltd.)

主辦單位: U-SUN Asia 優善時空波科技股份有限公司

聯絡電話: +886-2-2760-0839





聯絡電話: +65-6720-0203

服務地址: 26 Sin Ming Lane, #07-118 MidView City, Singapore 573971

DAEMBE Deutsche Akademie für Energiemedizin und Bioenergetik

Dr. Folker Meissner

For those who have participated in the international courses organized by U-SUN TimeWaver, the long-awaited on-site training course will finally be launched again in 2023. U-SUN TimeWaver specially invited Dr. Folker, an internationally renowned doctor, to come to Taiwan to cultivate more outstanding professionals, targeting at medical practitioners, coaching consultants, and those interested in joining the course. There will be a lot of latest practical cases and research sharing; don’t miss the professional skills training course of this TOP doctor from Germany, and the U-SUN TimeWaver professional consultant team will also have a communication forum with you simultaneously!


Dr. Folker Meissner has been working on his own Holistic Medicine Clinic for more than 25 years. He is the founding president of the German Academy of Energy Medicine and Bioenergetics (DAEMBE), the developer of HOLAR Medicine™, and an internationally renowned lecturer, speaker, trainer and author in the field of energy and information medicine.

As an expert in helping patients for decades, his focus is not on treating disease, but on identifying and eliminating the root causes of illness and injury. During the four-day seminar, he will share his knowledge on how a simple-complicated-professional approach to use the TimeWaver system to help clients find the root causes of their diseases and eliminate them.

DAEMBE was founded in 2006 by 12 holistically thinking personalities from different regions of Germany. DAEMBE is an association to develop Energy Medicine and Bioenergetics fields on training and education. In addition to product- or system-specific preferences, Energy Medicine and Bioenergetics are understood as comprehensive, holistic, modern, case-oriented solutions for medical and non-medical therapists and bioenergetics who feel comfortable and seek a platform for professional and personal communication.


  • Time:2023/11/21~24 9:30~17:30 4-day in-person training (Simultaneous interpretation in English and Chinese)
  • Venue: Chang Yung Fat Foundation International Conference Centre
  • Address: Room 602, No. 11, Zhongshan South Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Fee: NT$ 42,000 Completion of the four-day course and exam will get a DAEMBE certification, training handout and training recording.

Register before 2023/10/15: NT$37,800 ; U-SUN members: NT$33,600

(On-site seating is limited, seat will be only reserved after completing payment.)

  • This seminar is part of DAEMBE’s international course on Holistic Bioenergetic Coaching.
  • Level 2 of the diploma course “BIOENERGETIC COACH” is titled “PDA-assisted holistic coaching to improve general well-being and resilience”.
  • Purpose: Enable attendees to use TW Frequency (TWF) and TW Pro (TWP) as proper tools to improve their coaching and mentoring competencies.

Day 1 will align all attendees on level 2 and 3 mastery of both TWF and TWP. Simple techniques of documentation and tracking results will be implemented as well as the simultaneous use of TWF and TWP in specific coaching settings.

Day 2 and 3 will enable attendees to enhance or establish TWP level 3 and 4 skills while improving their bioenergetic coaching and mentoring skills to level 2 (so we have to distinguish the two measures: TW level 2 to 4; bioenergetic coaching level 2). On day 3, enhanced techniques of documentation and tracking results will be implemented.


Day 4 will use TWF and TWP in sophisticated modes to unleash super-hidden causes of limiting beliefs and their consecutive effects on behavior and individual life experience. This will not only improve the attendees’ capacities as coaches and mentors, but it will also be beneficial for them to improve and bring their businesses to the next level.


Each of the four days will be divided in two major sections, each of them being divided in a lectural and a practical phase of 90 minutes, summing up to a total of 4 x 90 minutes, i.e. 360 minutes training (8 training units of 45 minutes) each per day.

In short:

  • Start with Frequency and the parallel use of Frequency and Pro on Day 1.
  • Day 2 and 3 will be dedicated to level 3 and 4 Pro.
  • Day 4 will be level 4 Pro and maybe LevelWave.
  • Each day will be structured in terms of lecture and interactive practical phases


Note to participants:

  • This year 2023/11/21~24 German Bioenergetic Coach Training includes both offline and online participation simultaneously. If you are unable to join on-site, please fill in the registration form for online participation.
  • If you have not completed basic training before, please attend the “Pre-requisite Course” first to facilitate the learning progress.

Pre-requisite Course: 2023/11/2, 9, 16, 14:00~17:00 online (Participants can attend the Pre-requisite Course free of charge).

  • Online registration link will be sent out one week before the course starts. Please look at for email updates on online participate.
  • This course requires you to bring your own TimeWaver system equipment (extension cable as well). If you do not have the devices yet, please contact U-SUN TimeWaver for the training offer package.
  • This training includes simultaneous interpretation in English and Chinese. By using Zoom system, participants who need translation service need to link to Zoom system by their own personal headphones.
  • Overseas participants can refer to the preferential scheme of designated hotels in cooperation with U-SUN. Please contact U-SUN TimeWaver for more details.
Registration Form (<< Click Here)

Payment method: Remittance/credit card/on-site payment (please note in the registration form after payment is completed)

Remittance information: Bank: Taishin International Bank (Taishin International Bank) Bank code 812 Zhonghe Branch 0207 Account number: 2020-01-0000682-6

Account name: U-SUN Healthcare Co., Ltd.

Organizer: U-SUN Healthcare Co., Ltd.

Contact number: +886-2-2760-0839

Service address: 8th Floor, No. 132, Songshan Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City


Online enquiries:

Singapore Office

Contact number: +65-6720-0203

Service Address: 26 Sin Ming Lane, #07-118 MidView City, Singapore 573971

TimeWaver 科技奇門意識學 時空波應用課
10/2023 - 04/2023 Online Reading Session
Dr. Ke 葛易泉 上海中醫藥大學 客座講師






  • 課程時間:2023年10月至2024年3月,每週一晚上7點到9點
  • 課程主題:
    • 2023年10月3日:九星:天體運行規律如何影響我們的行為&習性
    • 2023年11月7日:八門:三維空間&人事物之間的關係
    • 2023年12月5日:八神:隱藏在DNA中的潛在力量
    • 2024年1月2日:八卦:三維空間的隱藏信息&調理方式
    • 2024年2月6日:三奇六儀:精準判讀表意識&潛意識
    • 2024年3月5日:如何運用天盤、地盤、人盤、神盤分析個人狀態&人生藍圖
  • 課程費用:
    • NT$ 30,000(SGD$ 1,500)
    • 優惠會員:NT$ 24,000(SGD$ 1,200)
    • 複訓學員:NT$ 12,000(SGD$ 600)
  • 課程形式:線上&實體,課程中使用“專業道醫資料庫”及課程影片


  • 課程時間:2023年10月至2024年3月,每週一晚上7點到9點
  • 課程主題:
    • 2023年10月11日:企業診斷步驟&分析技巧
    • 2023年11月14日:如何選擇店面或公司–奇門論斷法
    • 2023年12月12日:精準判讀企業處境&調整方案模組分析
    • 2024年1月9日:天地盤格局&模組應用方法(外部局勢)
    • 2024年2月20日:天地盤格局&模組應用方法(內部局勢)
    • 2024年3月12日:奇門模組&九大模組混合實務分析
  • 課程費用:
    • NT$ 38,000(SGD$ 1,900)
    • 優惠會員:NT$ 30,400(SGD$ 1,520)
    • 複訓學員:NT$ 15,000(SGD$ 750)
  • 課程形式:線上&實體,課程中使用“科技奇門企業資料庫”及課程影片


  • 課程語言:中文
  • 課程對象:所有水平
  • 報名方式:需註冊


  • 時間:每週一晚上7點
  • 日期:2023年10月24日、11月30日、12月26日、2024年1月23日、2月29日、3月26日


  • 增加標題和副標題,以便讀者快速了解課程內容。
  • 使用粗體字標出課程主題和日期,以便讀者快速查找信息。
  • 增加段落間距,以便讀者更容易閱讀。
  • 糾正一些錯誤的拼寫和語法。


Title: Technology Qi Men Yi Jing: TimeWaver Application Course

Speaker: Ge Yiquan, Guest Lecturer from Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Beginner Course

  • Six classes: October 2023 to March 2024, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Course topics:
    • October 3, 2023: Nine Stars: How the movements of celestial bodies influence our behavior and habits
    • November 7, 2023: Eight Gates: The relationship between three-dimensional space and people, things, and events
    • December 5, 2023: Eight Divinities: The hidden potential forces in DNA
    • January 2, 2024: Eight Trigrams: Hidden information and methods of regulation in three-dimensional space
    • February 6, 2024: Three Wonders and Six Instruments: Accurately reading conscious and subconscious minds
    • March 5, 2024: How to use Tianpan, Dipan, Renpan, and Shenpan to analyze personal status and life blueprint
  • Course fee: NT$ 30,000 (SGD$ 1,500)
    • Premium members: NT$ 24,000 (SGD$ 1,200)
    • Retraining students: NT$ 12,000 (SGD$ 600)
  • Course format: Online and in-person, with access to the “Professional Taoist Database” and course videos

Advanced Course: Enterprise Applications of Technology and Qi Men Yi Jing

  • Six classes: October 2023 to March 2024, 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
  • Course topics:
    • October 11, 2023: Enterprise diagnosis steps and analysis techniques
    • November 14, 2023: How to choose a store or company – Qi Men divination methods
    • December 12, 2023: Accurately reading the company’s situation and adjusting the scheme module analysis
    • January 9, 2024: Tianpan and Dipan patterns and module application methods (external situation)
    • February 20, 2024: Tianpan and Dipan patterns and module application methods (internal situation)
    • March 12, 2024: Qi Men modules and nine-module mixed practical analysis
  • Course fee: NT$ 38,000 (SGD$ 1,900)
    • Premium members: NT$ 30,400 (SGD$ 1,520)
    • Retraining students: NT$ 15,000 (SGD$ 750)
  • Course format: Online and in-person, with access to the “Technology Qi Men Enterprise Database” and course videos

All participants will receive a monthly online book club:

  • Online book club: 7:00 PM, October 24, 2023, November 30, 2023, December 26, 2023, January 23, 2024, February 29, 2024, March 26, 2024

Additional information:

  • The course will be taught in Mandarin Chinese.
  • The course is open to all levels of experience.
  • Registration is required.

Marcus Schmieke: Follow the Inner Path - Our Agenda towards Enlightnement
馬庫斯・施米可中文新書上市 : 跟隨內在之道-邁向開悟的議程
2023/09/25 - 2023/12/04 Online Reading Session 線上導讀會


作者馬庫斯・施米可 (Marcus Schmieke) 量子天才第二春作者

量子物理學的自我之旅和深度心理學 一同邁向內在之道!

出生於德國,是一位鋼琴和西洋棋領域的天賦神童,於海德堡及漢諾威大學攻讀物理學及哲學,跟隨著內心的指引遠赴印度出家為僧,十二年後回到德國,受統一場論物理學家布克哈德・海姆的影響及俄國科學家尼克拉・科濟列夫等人的成果為基礎,首創「時間波」(TimeWaver) 信息場技術。馬庫斯・施米可也是德國柏林應用意識研究所(IACR)的創始人,與國際物理學家一起探索物質和意識之間的互動。著有「量子天才第二春精彩人生急轉彎」。






  • 9/25 19:00-20:00 馬庫斯的個人神話與聖杯的象徵
  • 10/16 19:00-20:00 意識層級 小我真我高我
  • 11/6 19:00-20:00 曼陀羅與人格特質
  • 12/4 19:00-20:00 生與死





Book title/Following the Inner Path-Agenda towards Enlightenment

Author/Marcus Schmieke, author of The Second Spring of Quantum Geniuses

The self-journey of quantum physics and deep psychology –  Move towards the inner path together!

Born in Germany, he was a talented child prodigy in the fields of piano and chess. He studied physics and philosophy at the universities of Heidelberg and Hannover. Following his inner guidance, he went to India to become a monk. Twelve years later, he returned to Germany and was taught the unification field. Based on the influence of physicist Burkhard Heim and the achievements of Russian scientist Nikolai Kozyrev and others, he pioneered the “TimeWaver” information field technology. Markus Schmick is also the founder of the Institute for Applied Consciousness (IACR) in Berlin, Germany, and works with international physicists to explore the interaction between matter and consciousness. Author of “The Second Spring of Quantum Genius – A Wonderful Life Turn”.

Translator/Introduction/Huang Xiaolan

It has been more than ten years since I transitioned from a colorful entertainer to a life coach. I am now a full-time corporate consultant at TimeWaver in a logistics group. I hope this book will inspire more people to embark on the path of physical and mental balance.

This book is about the four pillars of our inner path. Readers can follow this book to lead themselves through inner divisions, which is also a prerequisite for resolving divisions in the outer world. The four pillars encompass a central theme that explores the tension between mind, matter, and self, the mysteries of life and death, and a detailed introduction to the levels of human consciousness. The author will also reinterpret the legend of the Holy Grail and Parsifal from a novel and fascinating perspective and review the golden age of modern scientific history – from the origins of quantum physics and modern psychology to the advent of the first atomic bomb. Of course, what is indispensable is the detailed description and classification of the functioning of our consciousness. Readers can have a deeper understanding of their own personality and consciousness while reading this book.

Online Reading Session 2023

  • 9/25 19:00-20:00 Marcus’s personal myth and the symbol of the Holy Grail
  • 10/16 19:00-20:00 Level of consciousness: small self, true self, higher self
  • 11/6 19:00-20:00 Mandala and Personality Traits
  • 12/4 19:00-20:00 Life and Death

After registration is completed, an email notification will be sent the day before the orientation meeting to send the ZOOM conference room link. Please pay attention to your email box!

Special reminder: The content of online lectures is copyrighted, and the use of audio recordings, remakes, and editing is prohibited.

Sponsor: U-SUN Healthcare Co., Ltd.

Publication order: U-SUN Healthcare Co., Ltd.